What we do
Development program for the tribals in Attappady
This study, based on the field level primary data analysis, and its intensive field consultations with almost all categories of stakeholders, recommends a new and different growth/development trajectory for the tribals in Attappady. Unlike the past, the proposed Attappady Tribals Development Mission (ATDM) will have very clearly defined goals, vision and timelines for achievement.
Author: Dr Sunil Raghavan
Study for designing a comprehensive development programme for the tribals in Attappady region, Palakkad, Kerala
Major Task
Baseline survey on Socio economic status of Tribal households o Psychosocial Analysis of Tribals in Attappady o Community needs and constraints analysis o Infrastructure needs assessment and development Plan o Agriculture cum livelihoods needs cum development Plan
Study on Primary Education in Kerala -Executive Summary
Government of Kerala, in association with the Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (a government of India
project being implemented on a mission mode), have been keen to improve the quality and
outcomes of primary education in the State In Kerala, primary education covers class I to VIII.
Author: Dr Sunil Raghavan
Officials acknowledge that despite several experimental
programmes implemented in the state through teacher training, community mobilization,
research activities, the achievement level of learner has not increased to the level of
Major observations
- Access to School and facilities
- State of infrastructure
- Status of basic amenities
- Access to quality drinking water
- Use of Computers in Schools
Tribes of Attappady